Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Project X - Day 1

Well I guess today I can write about my new project. I'll call it Project X, sounds all top secret and spy game-ish don't it. Well if you know what a Project 365 is, then you've already got an idea.

Project 365 is where you take a picture, once a day, everyday and put it up for the world to see. Since I'm pretty new to the whole photography thing, I think 365 is a bit much.. on top of that I'm still learning the basics.

So I modified it a bit, and made it a Project X, X meaning I don't know how many pictures I'm gonna take. On top of that, the best way to learn the basics, is through practice. So here goes nothing.

The first basic component of a picture is a line, the line forms the basis for everything in the photo, with no lines, you have no shapes, with no shapes you have no forms... etc... So for the first few pictures I'm gonna focus on lines, there may be other things involved, but the focus is on lines and how they are used in a picture.

Diagonal lines can be used to give a sense of movement, or lead your eye through the image.

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